ATTN: Frustrated authors who need a clear, step-by-step, hand holding training

Discover The
Bestselling AuthorIn The Fastest, Easiest
(and Most FUN) Way Possible

Accelerate Your Kindle Success Story With
Pin-Point Advice And Hand-Holding At Every Step,
Stage And Unexpected Turn-To Cook
Your Perfect 10 Plots Into
A 5-Star Gourmet Dish!

From: The Desk of Stevie Drive

RE: The A-Z Guide To Secure Your Success As A Fiction Bestseller In The Shortest Possible Time.

Dear Friend,

If you wanted to become a bestselling author in the easiest way in shortest time possible (and have incredible fun doing it), this will be the most important sales letter you'll read this year.

Because here's a secret:

Using Perfect 10 Plots is the single most effective way to become a bestselling fiction author. Period.

Our plot packs have been called by professional ghostwriters and publishing houses as top of the line "Ferrari's"... and it's because we tap the brilliant ideas of AAA ghostwriters jam packed with details that has never before been witness in the industry today...


A few of our aspiring writers FREAKOUT from time to time.

Some writers invest in the plots, and then:

  • You never take action because the information is too daunting.
  • You start writing but never get the book finished because it 'gets complicated.'
  • Spend hours upon hours working and find themselves achieving very little.
  • Some distraction gets you sidetracked and you lose focus.
  • You give up because you don't know how to craft the twist and turns of the scenes in a compelling way.
  • You stall when you should be moving full-steam ahead because you don't know how to turn your pre-made plots into bestselling fiction.
Last thing I want from you is to waste your finest ingredient along with your dream of becoming a bestseller!

So I've Created A Unique Solution That You'd Be Crazy To Pass Up!

Introducing Perfect 10 Plot's:
Kindle Fiction Bestseller Training Workshop Membership

With this monthly membership package you will be taken by the hand and walked though, across, over, and around each and every obstacle you will encounter on the road to Kindle stardom - Guaranteed!

The membership is crafted to help aspiring authors, complete novices-and even seasoned pros that haven't cracked the Kindle code yet... to take the plots you already have at your disposal and silence the doubters for good!

Join today and discover:

  • How to make each one of your plot customized and totally unique.
  • How to use your pre-written plots to become a bestseller in the easiest and fastest way possible.
  • How to leverage 'professional hand-holding' and clear, step-by-step training to get your book, books and whole series written just like a bestselling author.
  • How you can download this formula to your brain and use it over and over to create literally hundreds of premium quality bestselling novels!
  • How you can get consistent 5 star ratings that will get you lifetime fans and glitter your review page like the Milky Way!
  • What you've been taught about writing is DEAD WRONG (and it's not what you think)
  • How you can pump out high quality books after books without spending ANY money on outsourcers!
  • Why sitting down and doing the "hard work" will make you broke.
  • A winning format for ALL of your future novels. (This is not a 'read-once-and-forget' type of learning, it's a 'just copy-what-I-do' master training workshop.)


You'll learn from the BEST instructor with:

  • Professional Ghostwriter with over 100 completed ghostwriting projects.
  • Published author with a literary agent (1% of writers achieve this)
  • BA in Secondary Education, English, and Creative writing
  • Over 7 years of experience teaching in regular and online classrooms
  • Ghostwriter for numerous bestselling fiction and non fiction short reads and novellas.


You'll achieve GUARANTEED success because this is how it works:

1 You'll get access to 9 different modules with 4 videos each, at a total of 36 different videos.

2 After each section, you'll get a short homework assignment which you will need to do to keep you accountable! (this is key)

3 Since you will now have ZERO EXCUSE to not do the work, you will eventually have no choice but to finish writing your bestseller!


Stevie Drive's Kindle Fiction Bestseller Training Membership Is
100% Guaranteed To Satisfy - Or Your Money Back!

100% Risk FREE Guarantee


This is the only membership site that will teach you step-by-step how to become a fiction bestseller in the fastest and easiest way possible using your pre-made plots.

... And I guarantee that you will receive an INSANE AMOUNT of helpful guidance to shortcut your way to total Kindle mastery.

But if you don't, then all you need to do is email me in the first 21 days and I'll rush you a full refund. No questions asked.

Hit the buy now button below to get started on the painless path to Kindle success today...

See you in the member's area,


Are You Ready For Fame And Fortune As A Published Author? It's Time To Join The Club!
I want INSTANT ACCESS To The One And Only Bestselling Author's Training Workshop Using 'Done-For-You' Plots On The Market Today To Get My Bestselling Book Published Once And For All Fast, Fun, And Easy...

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To your writing success,

Steve Drive

Frequently Asked Questions

  • q-iconWhy should I join this training?

    If you want to become a successful bestselling author, it will be a mistake not to join.

    We show you A to Z, step-by-step what to do, for you to simply copy to become a bestselling author in the easiest, fastest, and most fun way possible.

  • q-iconHow many trainings will I receive?

    You will receive high quality, step-by-step "copy-what-I-do" type of video trainings, 9 modules, 4 videos each, totaling 36 videos.

    Each video will have a mini "homework" which you will be performing before moving onto the next module. This type of accountability method has been proven successful for our students in taking action and gaining momentum to achieve high levels of success!

  • q-iconWho will be teaching in the training?

    Stevie Drive Publishing over time has been attracting a gamut of top caliber talents in the publishing industry.

    It will be taught mainly by one of our top professional ghostwriter who have also been teaching for over 10 years who will spoon-feed you information in the most digestible manner. You're in for an absolute treat.

    Also, don't be surprised if unannounced appearances are made by celebrated guests and also, yours truly.

  • q-iconI'm a total newbie. Will this work for me?

    Absolutely. Our training is perfect for newbies also because we hand-hold you each and every step of the writing and publishing process.

  • q-iconWhat if I don't like to write?

    There's only 2 ways to get your book written. Write it yourself or get someone else to write it for you.

    If you don't want to write it yourself, I'll show you how to get it written cheaply and easily with very low turnovers.

  • q-iconIf I write it myself, do I have to invest in some work?

    Yes. As you may already know, there's no such thing as a free lunch (if you find one, let me know and I'll be the first one in line). You will have to put in some effort to become a bestseller. But this training will show you how to do it in the fastest and easiest way possible. Period.

  • q-iconWhat if I want to cancel the training?

    Even though I highly doubt it'll happen, you may cancel the membership at any time. In fact, if you're not 100% satisfied, I don't want a single penny from you. You'll get a 100% full refund if canceled within the first 21 days. That'll give you enough time to take the membership for a full 'test drive'.

  • q-iconWhat if I have other questions not answered here?

    Please send a quick email to our support desk at and we'll answer as soon as we're able.

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Join The Club (Yearly)
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