Attention Writers! Stop Wasting Time Looking For Inspiration... And Just Write.

Are You ReadyTo Make Cracking The Kindle Code
Across Multiple Genres
Easier Than Ever Before...?
Join The Club!
You're Just Moments Away
From An Infinite Supply Of
Plug And Play Series And Standalone Plots
Ready For Your Finishing Touch
Ready To Ship To Your Outsourcing Team
To Build Your Very Own
Publishing Empire

  • Perhaps you've tried to 'get a few books knocked out... but you soon run out of juice, inspiration, and get bogged down in the details...
  • No doubt you've seen the numerous authors cashing in on Kindle... But do you know how they can publish and make serious bank so quickly?

Listen: If you have ever dreamed of dominating the Kindle market without having to put yourself in a stress coma to do it then you are going to love this...

Read on to discover how you can PERMANENTLY tap into the genius of a professional ghost writer who has had her works made into internationally acclaimed, award-winning movies!

Best-Selling Authors Cheat

ROMANCE, TRHILLER, MYSTERY, HORROR... It doesn't matter what genre you want to get famous in... If you try to write all the books yourself you'll never crack the Kindle Code.

If you want to make money and achieve the fame that comes with it then you have to be able to quickly create a series of high quality books by ethically stealing and rewriting award-winning plots...

And that is the secret that author's like Stephen King, James Patterson, Robert Ludlum, Stephenie Meyer and Agatha Christie DON'T want you to know!

It's TRUE!

How do you think authors like this manage to churn out BEST SELLERS SO QUICKLY?

Prolific bestselling authors all use plot templates, add their own twist and then send out the outline to ghost writers to fill in the blanks.

You see...

The secret to consistently writing enthralling novels that nobody is able to put down... is to adapt a winning plot.

And here's where it gets REALLY good.

There are only so many plot templates that work.

Top authors and screenwriters know every one of these plots intimately. Just think about all the blockbuster films you've seen. Or all the TV cop dramas you've watched...

They All Follow A Strict Formula For Success.

Once you have that formula the rest is as easy as painting by numbers.

Once You Have The Formula You Just Need A Steady Flow Of Plots And You Can Build Your Publishing Empire (Practically Overnight!)

All you need to do is follow this step-by-step sequence and watch your reputation grow...

  • Hire Someone To Create A Plot Or Series Outline
  • Hire Someone To Fill In The Outline With Prose or Write It Yourself
  • Review The Finished Product Yourself, Add What's Needed
  • Outsource Editing, Outsource Test Reading
  • Market, Publish And Get Paid.

Testimonials Testimonials Testimonials Testimonials

Has Never Been So Quick, So Easy, And So Massively Rewarding!

We've been producing individual plot packs for a long time now in multiple genres and from the numerous feedback we got back, we simply know what works.

Combining this knowledge + our internationally acclaimed ghost writer = Guaranteed quality
But... As Of NOW We've Gone A Step Further...
Your Invitation To Kindle Perfect 10 "Done-for-You" Plots Membership

You still get all of the benefits of the Perfect 10 Plot Packs that you've been so happy with.

Just like a Hollywood blockbuster, each plot contains:

  • In a Nutshell! Use this handy overview of plot details and content for super-quick reference when you need to stay on track of get your team on the same page.
  • Chapter by Chapter Breakdown: This will serve as the whole structure of the book.
  • Scene by Scene Breakdown: This is the secret sauce. Perfect 10 Plots is the only plot that has these scene-by-scene plots where you can just put some meat on the scenes and pop out a quality book!
  • Character Descriptions: A list of the main characters (including the protagonist and antagonist) - fully described. These characters are well developed but not complete... leaving you plenty of room to personalize them.
  • Details on Settings and Locations: This describes in detail where the story takes place. As you read this, you'll feel as if you're right in the scene of the story!
  • PLUS - Perfect Pitch: Including in your pack is the perfect sales pitch to help you sell your plot to movie studios and major book publishers.

Seriously JUST LOOK At The Detail We've Packed Into These Plots For You!



Settings & Locations

Perfect Pitch

Ways to make the story uniquely yours


By signing up to the Kindle Perfect 10 "Done-for-You" Plots Membership you ALSO get:

  • Immediate Access to ALL the new plot packs as soon as they are released without having to go through the whole buying process each and every time.
  • Never pay more than rock bottom prices for your plot packs (the cost of your membership will never be higher than the lowest price the plot packs sell for guaranteed).
  • Get INSTANT ACCESS to other genres allowing you to cross genres and truly build out you publishing empire.
  • If you want, give your outsourcers DIRECT ACCESS to your PLOT REPOSITORY and never have to lift a finger (except to collect your royalties!).

PLUS: To make sure the system is completely idiot proof I have even added my own detailed notes to each plot to give you or your writers easy ideas and inspiration to get the very most out of each plot.


Let Me Take The Risk While You Reap The Reward.
100% Money Back Guarantee

The Kindle Perfect 10 "Done-for-You" Plots Membership is the most powerful addition to the Perfect 10 range.

If you are serious about becoming a hugely successful writer with your own publishing business, then it is an absolute must.

Just like the plot packs I have designed this membership with your success in mind from start to finish - and so I have no doubt whatsoever that you will gain massive benefit from it.

But just to MAKE SURE that you take the next step and invest I am offering you a 30-Day, no questions asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Take a look at the membership and decide if it is right for you (it will be!) but if you are not 100% satisfied with it I will give you your money back without hesitation.

100% Risk FREE Guarantee


Are You Ready For Fame And Fortune As A Published Author? It's Time To Join The Club!
I want INSTANT ACCESS to the LARGEST range of the MOST HIGHLY DETAILED, AWARD-WINNING, done-for-you plots, and series fiction plots, on the kindle market today...

and I know by joining as a member today I'll NEVER PAY MORE than the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE for every available plot.

To your writing success,

Steve Drive

P.S. Remember you have absolutely nothing to lose because of my ironclad, 30-day money back guarantee. Take a look at your membership, get a feel for the advantages it has given you and make your decision

P.P.S. You're still here! You're obviously interested. You obviously don't want to continue living with unfinished manuscripts. Take advantage while the opportunity is in front of you, because if you come back even 5 minutes after the launch is over you'll have to pay A LOT MORE to take advantage.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • q-iconI have a question before purchase. What should I do?

    Send a quick email to! My assistant or I will quickly reply back to you.

  • q-iconThere are many plots out there. What makes yours unique?

    Many of my previous customers state these are one of the highest quality, most user friendly plots on the market today.

    It's because we use a unique, scene-by-scene plot outlines which is extremely easy for users to use to create a supreme quality book.

    Take a look at the sample at the middle of the salesletter.

  • q-iconI'm a total newbie. Will this work for me?

    Absolutely. These plots are very popular by newbies because they just need to "put some meat on" these plots and out pops a book! It's user friendly for both newbies and professional ghostwriters alike.

  • q-iconWhy should I get a membership if I can buy plots separately every month?

    Many reasons. Firstly, you don't have to worry about missing a release every couple of weeks and end up having to pay 64% more for the same plots.

    Secondly, you don't have to go through the checkout process each time.

    Thirdly, you'll get various membership perks given exclusively to our members.

  • q-iconI'm not technical at all. Would it still work for me?

    Absolutely. If you know how to use a Word processor, you're set.

  • q-iconHow many plots will I be getting every month?

    You'll get one full set each month - containing 10 of our highest premium plots in different genres so you can really create an impact on Kindle!

  • q-iconAre these plots series or standalones?

    Both. Most of them will be a good mix of 5 part, 3 part series as well as standalone plots. Most our customers are enjoying this balanced mix.

  • q-iconWhat's your refund policy?

    Try it out for 30 days. If you're not 100% satisfied by the quality of our plots, send a refund request to (not through PayPal) and we'll take care of it for you.