Before You WASTE TIME Writing Your Own Best-Selling Cozy Mystery Plots...

Discover How You Can Effortlessly Create A Cozy Mystery Empire Faster Than Ever Before...With The Proven Outlines Of An Award-Winning GhostwriterGet Plug And Play Plots With Just A Few Simple Clicks, Send Them To Your Writers, Write Them Yourself, Or Get New Ideas For Your Next Kindle Series...

Take a page from the playbook of Amazon's highest earning self-published authors and jumpstart your publishing machine with 10 done-for-your Cozy Mystery plots created by an award-winning ghostwriter who has had her works made into feature films and international award winners.

The facts of fiction are out...

Consistency and volume are the keys to profit.

Look no farther than the highest grossing authors on Amazon and you'll see a clear pattern emerging. Readers want you to publish more and more books means more money... but you can't quit your job or find the time to write full time because even when the bestseller money comes rolling in, you have to wait 90 days for Amazon to pay your royalties.

Jumpstart Your Fiction Writing Machine
With These Brand New Proven Cozy Mystery:Volume 2 Plots!

Quit making excuses and start making money with the 10 brand-new Cozy Mystery plots included in this plot pack.

  • You Don't Have To Wait For Ideas
  • You Don't Need To Rely On An Untested Ghostwriter
  • You Can Send These Plots Off To A Team Of Writers
  • You Don't Have To Do Any Work

Time and time again the experts tell you one thing...

"Prose is just a way to deliver a story. The money is in the story itself."

That quote is something I borrowed from one of the highest self-published Cozy Mystery earners on Amazon right now and it is 100% true.

What it means is that you can take these plots and turn them into profit with just about any writer-you can write them yourself, hand them off to a writer on Elance, enlist the help of a friend-and you know that they are going to make money. The power of profit is in the plot and prose is just another way to deliver the plot.

Think about that for a moment and consider the success that Amazon authors have had with our plot packs.

Take A Look At How Much Has Been Done-For-You
And Tell Me You Still Don't Think Writing A Bestseller Is Possible!



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Are You Ready To Effortlessly Start Creating Your Cozy Mystery Empire?


Access To Perfect 10 Plots
Is Only $27


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P.S. Remember these are premium quality plots you're getting for just $27.. Grab this while it's available!

P.P.S. Remember you have absolutely nothing to lose because of my ironclad, 30-day money back guarantee Don't miss out -- secure your copy now!

P.P.S. You're still here. You're obviously interested. You obviously don't want to continue living with unfinished manuscripts. In less than 30 days, you can have this all cleared up. You owe it to yourself to try -- especially considering there's absolutely nothing to lose. Take advantage while the opportunity is in front of you because if you come back even 5 minutes too late down the line, I'll have to apologize and turn you away..

Frequently Asked Questions

  • q-iconI have a question before purchase. What should I do?

    Send a quick email to! My assistant or I will quickly reply back to you.

  • q-iconThere are many plots out there. What makes yours unique?

    Many of my previous customers state these are one of the highest quality, most user friendly plots on the market today.

    It's because we use a unique, scene-by-scene plot outlines which is extremely easy for users to use to create a supreme quality book.

    Take a look at the sample at the middle of the salesletter.

  • q-iconI'm a total newbie. Will this work for me?

    Absolutely. These plots are very popular by newbies because they just need to "put some meat on" these plots and out pops a book! It's user friendly for both newbies and professional ghostwriters alike.

  • q-iconAre there any upsells?

    Yes! I offer extremely valuable offers.

    Out of all spectacular offers, one in particular that you should watch out for is "The Bestseller Outsourcing Concierge Collection".

    If you want to guarantee your success without much work, this offer will be a Godsend for you.

  • q-iconI'm not technical at all. Would it still work for me?

    Absolutely. If you know how to use a Word processor, you're set.

  • q-iconHow many plots are in this set?

    There are 10 plots which will be immediately available for you to download after your purchase - even if it's 3AM!

  • q-iconAre these plots series or standalones?

    Both. There are 3 Series expansion plots and 1 Standalone plot. It's a good mix that we're sure you'll enjoy..

  • q-iconWhat's your refund policy?

    Try it out for 30 days. If you're not 100% satisfied by the quality of our plots, send a refund request to (not through PayPal) and we'll take care of it for you.


Access To Perfect 10 Plots
Is Only $27